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Rump of lamb | Mint crusted neck fillet, pressed vegetable & potato hot pot, sauce reduction

Ingredients, serves 6



6 x 4oz lamb rump

1 lamb neck fillet

3 potatoes – peel & sliced finely

1 litre lamb stock

½ swede - sliced

4 carrots - sliced

1 onion – diced                 

½ leek - sliced

4 garlic cloves

100g butter

1 handful mint

½ a handful parsley

100g breadcrumbs

¼ lemon zest

½ juice of a lime

50 ml white wine vinegar

pinch of sugar





Mint crust - blitz in a blender ½ of the mint, ½ of the parsley, breadcrumbs, lemon zest & pinch of seasoning.


Mint puree - blitz in blender ½ of the mint, ½ of the parsley, lime, sugar & white wine vinegar.


Pressed hot pot -cook the sliced swede & carrots in the lamb stock, until just soft. Sauteed the onion, leek & garlic. Find a suitable dish / mould and layer with sliced potato first; then onion, leek & garlic; then carrot & swede. Repeat, pressing down each layer, until dish is near full & finish with a potato layer. Add 50g butter on top layer of pressed hotpot. Pour stock up to ½ way up the side of the mould. Cook for ½ hour at 180 degrees or until golden on top.


Reduction sauce - simmer the remaining stock until reduced by ¾. Add butter to thicken and enrich before serving.


Neck fillet - pan-sear so fillet is still rare in centre. Cut into small rounds (3cms). Pane the fillet with flour, egg wash & mint crust. Deep or shallow fry 30 seconds to serve.


Rump - to cook medium rare, pan-fry all sides then 7 mins in oven at 180 degrees. 



To Serve:


1. Place a portion of the pressed hotpot on the plate.

2. Slice the rump in 2 and place either side of the plate.

3. Cut the neck fillet & place 3 parts around the plate.

4. Garnish with the mint puree.

5. Dress the dish with the stock reduction.

Recipe     Jon Furby

Photo      Tom Nicholas

Venison  |  Carpaccio loin, brioche, blackberry, watercress

Ingredients, serves 4



1/2 trimmed roe venison loin

1 blackberry punnet (or other berries)

brioche bread


8 sun-blushed tomatoes

8 balsamic pickled, baby onions 


garlic oil

Dijon mustard

sea salt  

mixed peppercorns




Loin - pan fry venison in butter, cook so still very rare & allow to rest. Cover with Dijon mustard & crushed mixed peppercorns. Then cling film tightly & refridgerate.


Brioche - cut brioche with a ring cutter (or by hand), then cut in half. Place on baking tray & add sea salt & garlic oil on top. Bake in oven until lightly brown.


Blackberry - blitz in a blender the blackberries (or cranberries for a festive touch), a little cassis & salt. Save some fruit to garnish.





To Serve:


  1. Finely slice venison & place on plate.

  2. Add blackberry jus & brioche. 

  3. Add garnish of watercress leaves & blackberries. Additional garnish options of sun-blushed tomatoes & balsamic pickled, baby onions.



Serve at room temperature.

Recipe     Jon Furby

Photo      Tom Nicholas

Pheasant Breast  |  Confit pheasant & potato hash cake, Jerusalem artichoke puree, buttered cabbage, mulled pear sauce

Ingredients, serves 4



4 pheasant breasts

4 pheasant legs confit

1 small onion – diced

2 shallots - diced

1 large potato – par cook & diced

200g jerusalem artichoke

4 balls of artichoke

300g sautéed buttered cabbage

½ mulled pear diced

1 orange

pheasant fat (or duck / goose)

20g butter

50ml double cream

200ml red wine sauce

1 tbs cranberry sauce



star anise

juniper berries



salt & pepper




Confit – marinate pheasant legs for 24 hours in orange, salt, star anise, garlic, shallot, juniper berries, thyme & cloves. Then cook in pheasant fat for 2 hours on a low heat 150c in oven with tin foil over.


Potato Cake – Fry off potato and onions in half fat and butter until a golden brown. Slightly break down potato (to infuse flavours), flake off meat from pheasant legs into pan and cook for a further minute, and then remove from heat.  Once warm to handle, shape mixture into rings and leave to set in fridge. To serve roast for 10 mins.


Artichoke balls – using a Parisian scoop, extract balls from meat of artichoke. Pan fry  for 8 mins to serve.


Puree – boil artichoke and place in blender with butter, nutmeg, salt and pepper and cream, blitz to a smooth puree.


Cabbage – pan fry in butter to your liking.


Sauce – bring to boil red wine add pear and cranberry sauce and serve immediately


Pheasant breast – seal breast in hot pan on skin side first (natural protector of meat), turn over and seal quickly. Place in oven for 4 minutes take out to leave to rest for a minute to serve.  Breast should be slightly pink in the centre.



To Serve:



  1. Place pheasant & potato cake on plate with artichoke balls.

  2. Smear puree on plate.

  3. Place breast on cake with cabbage to the side.

  4. Add sauce.

Recipe     Jon Furby

Photo      Tom Nicholas

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